Friday, February 19, 2010


Put your music player on shuffle and go with it, I promise it wont disappoint. Take naps because they are nice. Do something wild, something you wouldn't normally do. Try something new, you might like it. I know I have, I hope you do the same.

Monday, February 08, 2010


Im staring at a midget right now….. she doesn't know it, but I am. Think she'll mind if I pick her up like a baby and then jingle my keys in front of her? Never know until you try right? I'm going in…….

She loved it.

also I made an Etsy account. go there

Monday, February 01, 2010

Time never time at all. If you are wondering what's going on, so are we. We have been taking this writing process slow and steady because we heard that wins the race. Where there is hair, there is fun. We heard that too. Ten songs deep and another handful to go, so be patient as we are being patient. Tegan and Sara told me "Don't Rush," and I listened.